Wildlife & Bird Tours

We can assist with and guide wildlife and bird watching tours for individuals and small groups to anywhere in Australia. Greg is a regular “fill in” guide for the well known “Birding Tours Australia” group (www.birdingtours.com.au). The highly experienced and well organized Birding Tours Australia should be your first contact for any bird watching tour requirements in Australia.

Yellow_Tufted_HoneyeaterOur tours can visit a range of natural environments in the Hunter Region that are safely and easily accessible by vehicle and a short walk. A tour can be arranged and tailored to visit a particular habitat of interest, or to target that elusive endemic or rare species, or simply to see as many birds as possible.

Greg has years of experience and knowledge of the animals and plants in the Newcastle and Hunter Valley region and throughout Australia. He can assist you with discovering and identifying the many birds, wildlife and plants found in the various environments of the Hunter Region or Australia thus making your tour an interesting and valuable experience.

Day tours provide the opportunity to observe a range of wildlife including birds such as waders, shorebirds, waterfowl, honeyeaters, cockatoos, parrots, finches, thornbills, kingfishers, robins, whistlers, bower birds, monarchs, lyrebirds and many others; numerous reptiles including dragons, goannas, skinks and snakes; plus mammals such as kangaroos and wallabies. However, much of our local fauna is nocturnal. Night tours are for observing, by spotlight, nocturnal fauna such as frogs; some reptiles including geckos; numerous mammals such as small insectivorous bats and flying-foxes, platypus, possums, gliders, kangaroos, koala, bandicoots; and a variety of nocturnal birds that include owls, nightjars and frogmouths etc.

frogFor those interested in flora (plants), Greg can guide you to a range of interesting vegetation and habitat types that support a variety of native trees, vines, orchids, ferns, herbs, shrubs, grasses, rainforest trees, wetland plants and, of course, eucalypts and wattles. He can also assist in many identifications.

The tours are also a great opportunity for wildlife photography. Greg has had numerous wildlife photographs published and so understands the requirements for the keen photographer.